Friday, June 18, 2010

why i love my writer's group meetings: REASON #28

I love my writer's group meeting because my fellow writer friends say things like this...

"You know, when Taryn*..."

And this...

"I like how Taryn..."

And they also say...

"I think Taryn..."

I'm not the only one who thinks that Taryn is real. They talk like she's real, too.

It warms my heart.

*Read my previous post and you will find out that Taryn is the name of the main character in my YA novel-in-progress.

!Oh, and notice I updated my OFFICIAL WORD COUNT in the sidebar! WootWoot!


Susan G. Haws said...

Your characters seem real because your writing brings them life.

Amber Lynae said...

It is nice when people speak about your character by name. ANd congrats on the growing word count.

Valerie Ipson said...

See. Susan's in my writing group. She says stuff like that. That's reason #29 of why i love my writer's group!

Tamara said...

Um - what do you mean? Taryn isn't real? She is oh, so real and I can't wait for her debut!! And you give me hope/inspiration/a good kick in the keyboard - i love seeing your growing word count. OH, and I love your blog - I think I say that often here in the comment section, but I can't help myself.

Peggy Urry said...

I know I'm late piping in, but I have to say it's like you have this beautiful baby and I just want to ooh and ah over it and hold it and squish its adorable fat cheeks. (Maybe that's not a good analogy - you know I'm struggling with those right now - because Taryn et al would not be caught dead with fat cheeks!


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